The Temporary Friendly Work Place

As an employer, creating a healthy and worker friendly work environment is important to make employees, both temporary and permanent, feel safe and welcome. In the hiring process, this environment could affect how you hire and how you retain employees.

The Interview

Promoting a healthy work environment begins the moment a potential employee visits your office. This first step is usually the initial interview. This interview is the candidate’s first impression of you and your company.

During the interview, be mindful of how you treat the potential employee, even if the position you are trying to hire for is strictly temporary. Employees, permanent and temporary, all view the hiring process the same. They want a fair interview with someone that will respect them and actively listen. In fact, the way you interview for and make a decision on a temporary employee should be the same as when you hire for a permanent employee. This decision should take just as much thought, because even though they are temporary now, you may find that you have a permanent role for them later. The candidate’s first impression of you as a hiring manager could affect if they will accept a more permanent role later on if you offer it to them.  This is especially important to keep in mind when you are hiring for a temporary position that has a strong potential of becoming permanent within a set amount of time.

Temporary Friendly Environment

Temporary employees in the workforce are just as important as permanent ones. In fact, a temporary employee has the potential to even become your next star permanent employee. But, sometimes temporary employees are not viewed the same way by co-workers and even at times by management. They can be made to feel unwelcome or that they are not part of the company because of their temporary status.

This is not a healthy environment for the temporary employee and may cause a lack of productivity or even high turnover in the temporary work force at your site. This should be avoided by promoting the idea that temporary employees are equally as valuable to your company as someone hired permanently.

Because your working environment is a direct reflection of your company, employees and management should be made to know that temporary employees are working and contributing to the success of your company. Make sure that the temporary employees feel welcomed and accepted by introducing them to their co-workers and inviting them to make their work space their own if possible by personalizing it.

Remember that temps have taken a leap of faith. They have decided to make a commitment to your assignment without a commitment for certain employment at the end of their assignment term. To make sure that they realize you value this commitment they have made, make sure that your work environment is temporary friendly and welcoming!

If you want to start your search for your next temporary employee, then contact us at Frazee Recruiting!